Author: Alexis Story

Banana bread pancakes 

🎤Maybe we can sleep in

Make you banana pancakes

Pretend like it’s the weekend now🎤 

 I really hope you sang that as you read it, because I sang banana pancakes by Jack Johnson while making these hehe. We are Preparing to shovel our cars out today so I made hearty whole grain banana bread pancakes and French toast for my man. Dessert for breakfast is a must on Sunday’s or any day really. If you haven’t tried  yet, I suggest you do. 100% whole grains and filled with flavor. You can use this mix for so many things, they even have a ton of recipes on their website which I can’t wait to try all of them! You’re also doing a good deed when you purchase their products because part of the sales goes to grizzly bear and wildlife conservation. Yay for animals and pancakes 🐻🌲🌳. Anyway to make these decadent pillows of pancakes you will need 

🍌 1 banana 

🍌 1 cup of @kodiakcakes mix 

🍌 1 cup of vanilla @califiafarms almond milk ( you can use water but I think almond milk adds a nice flavor) 

🍌1/2 teaspoon of vanilla extract 

🍌 teaspoon of cinnamon 

🍌 teaspoon of brown sugar 

🍌 tablespoon (or more if you like) of chopped walnuts 


Mix all of your ingredients, put em on your griddle or pans, sing banana pancakes, top with  syrup and bananas and walnuts and enjoy every last bite!

Tuscan white bean and orzo soup 

 We all know how crazy this winter has been, from short sleeves on Christmas to a blizzard on its way. To prepare for the blizzard I whipped up some healthy and hearty Tuscan white bean soup. There are a ton of variations to this so I created my own. Feel free to get creative with yours and use whatcha got in your fridge or pantry!

This combines Tuscan flavors and savory Italian spices with some white beans, veggies, and orzo in a vegetable broth. It’s so yummy and there’s nothing better than cozying up to a hot bowl of soup on a cold day.

You can make a big pot of this and freeze it for later. I cook for myself so I always have a ton of leftovers and I love freezing them for the future!


  • 1 can of white cannelloni beans 
  • 4 carrots
  • 4 celery stalks 
  • 2 cloves of minced garlic 
  • Medium white onion (I used red because I ran out of white) 
  • 1 32oz box of organic vegetable broth (feel free to chicken broth if you have that) 
  • 1 bag of spinach 
  • 1/4 cup of orzo 
  • 1/2 teaspoon of crushed red pepper
  • Salt and pepper to taste 
  • 1/2 teaspoon of thyme 
  • Teaspoon of Italian seasoning (I used a mixed fresh Italian herb seasoning from a local Italian market) 
  • 1 can of tomato paste 
  • 3 tablespoons of extra virgin olive oil 
  1. Dice up your carrots, celery, and onion 
  2. Heat your oil in the pot 
  3. Cook your garlic until it has a light brown color to it
  4. Add your celery and carrots until they are tender and start to sweat, about 10-15 minutes 
  5. Add your vegetable broth
  6. Then add your tomato paste
  7. Dice up your spinach and add to the pot to cook down 
  8. Drain your canolenni beans and add to the pot 
  9. Add your orzo, it isn’t going to look like enough but trust me it soaks up that liquid pretty fast
  10. Add your spices 
  11. Let the orzo cook until tender 
  12. Pour into a bowl, top with parenesean cheese and serve with a good crusty garlic bread
  13. Sit on your couch in a blanket and warm up to a cozy bowl of soup

Ahi Tuna Stack

FullSizeRender (2)Ahi tuna has to be one of my favorite meals/appetizers. I LOVE sushi and any kind with tuna is my go to. I always order tuna tartake and seared tuna out, and that gets so expensive. So I took it upon myself to attempt to make my own seared tuna. I was terrified to make it myself because I like it rare, but I did it anyway.

Here’s what happened. I ate this tuna stack at a restaurant and I honestly can’t remember where I had it, but I never forgot the presentation I fell in love with it. I’ve seen the shrimp stack before and I just think it looks so fancy  and colorful. So I wanted to make it. I thought this was going to be so difficult but in all honestly it was SOOOOO Simple.

You can’t make a good seared tuna without putting it in a screaming hot cast iron pan. I just moved into my apartment not too long ago and we have an electric stove that I despise. I hate the coils because everything cooks so unevenly and then the oil or whatever you’re cooking with goes to one side of the pan and it drives me absolutely nuts.

Yeah with that being said I went out to this new cooking gadget store and bought myself a cast iron pan. They are the most amazing pans and I am thrilled to make more meals with it, so stay tuned friends.


  • 1 tuna steak, make sure it is fresh and has a nice bright color to it
  • 1/2 cucumber
  • 1/2 avocado
  • 2 tblsp of olive oil
  • 1/2 cup of cooked brown rice (or any kind you like)
  • salt and pepper to taste
  • ginger powder
  • garlic

For the sauce 

  • 1/3 cup of soy sauce
  • tablespoon of Siracha
  • 1/2 teaspoon of sesame oil
  • 1 teaspoon of rice wine vinegar
  • 1/2 teaspoon of garlic
  • dash of ginger
  • sesame seeds for garnish
  • green onion for garnish
  1. heat olive oil in a cast iron pan and get it screaming hot until you can see the steam.
  2. season your tuna steak with salt, pepper, garlic, and ginger on each side ( do it to your taste)
  3. sear your tuna for about 30-45 seconds on each side
  4. dice your half of cucumber and avocado
  5. cook and measure your rice
  6. for the stack I used a rocks glass, but if you have a can you can cut it to make it work.
  7. fill your rocks glass with some sesame seeds and then your tuna
  8. the layer the cucumber and avocado
  9. the pack the rice on top firmly
  10. place on a plate and remove it slowly
  11. mix all the ingredients for your sauce in a bowl and spoon it over your stack
  12. sprinkle with sesame seeds and green onions and dig in!

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Chicken Apple Sausage Breakfast Sammy 

I’m sure you’ve seen the commercials for Dunkin donuts chicken Apple sausage sandwich. It sounded SO good to me, so I took it upon myself to recreate it at home. 

In my opinion, Dunkin donuts “eggs” really freak me out. They’re such an odd texture and they even look fake. 

You gotta admit, there’s nothing like a REAL egg with a nice runny yolk. You don’t get that with Dunkin. 

This sandwich was super easy to make. You will need the following 

1 package of chicken Apple sausage, I used an organic all natural brand I found at whole foods. 

Your choice of bread, I used a whole grain bagel thin 

1 slice of cheddar cheese 

1 egg cooked how you like it, mine was sunny side up 

Cook and assemble. Really simple. Enjoy 😍🍳🧀

On Loving an Addict

addiction.jpgThose of you who have an addict in the family, as your friend, or significant other can relate. It’s so hard to love someone with an addiction and not let it bring you down and mess you up. You’re always waiting for a phone call, a text, day in and day out,  that they’re back in the hospital, jail, they’ve overdosed, they need money, a ride, a place to stay, anything. You can love an addict, you can try and save them, but you can’t save them. They destroy you. Even if they don’t mean to, they can and they will.

Nothing will mess with you more than loving an addict. You saw the person they used to be before the addiction, before the mess. You love that person you once knew. You will want that back each and everyday. You will try to help them, do everything in your power to stop their addiction. But let me tell you this, you can’t help someone who doesn’t want the help.

They will blame you for certain things, they will blame everyone else but themselves for their addiction. (until they come to realize it’s them with the addiction and no one’s fault but their own) This will mess with your head. You will think all of these thoughts in your head, “what did I say?” “what did I do?” “what could have I done?” “If I said something different, they wouldn’t  have used again” “It’s my fault”. These thoughts will keep you up at night. They will haunt you.

It’s not your fault, remember that. Don’t blame yourself, no one makes someone an addict besides themselves. The more you reach out, the more you try and help the more painful it becomes. The pain of knowing you can’t take their pain away, you can’t make them stop being an addict. That pain of knowing you may never get the person you once knew back.

The immense fear you feel on the regular has almost become part of your personality.Whether it’s fear of them overdosing, fear of them losing a job, fear of them lashing out and abusing you, fear of them getting involved in the wrong place at the wrong time, fear of them never changing. There’s always a constant fear of something.

With fear comes worry, worry of how you’re going to explain to whoever about their addiction and worry you may not have an excuse. Growing up with an addict I was always worried the kids in dance class or school would find out that my father was an addict. I always worried when I would get called down to the office for pick up unannounced because my dad was in jail or he was in the hospital. That worry going to school the next day and getting made fun of or asked questions because your neighbors saw your family arguing and police cars in front of the house. That worry when you don’t hear from them in a long time;  the only thoughts in your head are where are they, are they dead, do they even care about me anymore, are they ever coming back? That worry when they’re in the hospital because of an overdose, or they’re going through withdrawal. That worry you’re going to get hit, that worry that there’s going to be an argument when you get home, that worry that you may never see your parents again and be taken away by child services. The worry that you won’t have a ride home from dance or sports because your dad used again and forgot about you. The worry they will get in a car and get into an accident and hurt themselves or someone else. The worry that they will hurt themselves.  The list goes on and on. The worry goes on and on.

You constantly find yourself on edge, on guard. You find yourself looking for all the signs, are they slurring their words, are they stumbling, are they passed out, etc. You find yourself waking up in the middle of the night to check if they’re still breathing and have a pulse. You find yourself to be a part time investigator. Snooping through their stuff, checking all their hiding places. You make yourself crazy. But you’re not, you know its all happening again. You know the signs when you see them.

You know what it’s like to be lied to right to your face, but you can’t find the energy to fight back. You know you want to help them so bad and get frustrated when they just won’t listen. You know what it’s like to lose someone standing right in front of you. You know what it’s like to miss someone who is always there. You know what it’s like to be just so lost in your own head and think why, to be confused all the time because you see the person they could be, the person they used to be. You know how it feels to be functioning in everyday life but mentally you’re not even there. You know what it’s like to put your life on hold to help them. You know what it’s like to make up excuses as to why you’re crying or why you have bags under your eyes because you haven’t slept. You know what it’s like to put every bit of energy to keep the person you love out of harms way.You know what it’s like to research every possible answer, every rehab, every program, anything and not find answers you’re looking for.You know what it’s like to become so frustrated at them because they will never understand. You know what it’s like to cry yourself to sleep at night and force yourself to go to work or to go to school. You know what it’s like to have your phone glued to your hip because you’re always waiting for “That call”.

Sometimes you find yourself wishing the worst, for it to be over, for it to stop. For everything to just end because you can’t physically and emotionally take it anymore. You think about what it would be like if none of this happened to you. You feel angry, sad, frustrated, and exhausted all at the same time.

You know what it’s like to argue with everyone in your family or with friends about what to do and what is best for them. You feel like you’re going to explode when someone tells you addiction isn’t a disease. You know what it’s like to be known as “the child of an addict”, “the parent of an addict”, “the spouse of an addict” “the friend of an addict”. You know addiction all too well for someone who isn’t an addict.

You know what it’s like to try and figure out what’s enabling and what’s helping them. You know what the weight of the world feels like and you’re wondering if you can even carry it around anymore.

You know what it’s like to care too much, to want to have that person you once knew back, and that can destroy you.





Banana Bread Chia Seed Pudding 

Continuing my chia seed obsession this week with banana bread chia seed pudding. I love banana bread it’s just so comforting and flavorful. Cinnamon, bananas, nuts it’s the perfect combination. 

You will need 

1/4 cup of chia seeds 

1 banana 

1 teaspoon of cinnamon 

1 cup of almond milk (I used vanilla) 

Handful of chopped walnuts

1/2 teaspoon of vanilla extract 

1/2 teaspoon of maple syrup

Dash of nutmeg, set overnight in the fridge and grab and go in the morning ! 

Sweet potato chorizo corn chowder 

A picture just wouldn’t do justice for this absolutely beautiful rich creamy chorizo corn and sweet potato chowder. I wish you could smell this in the video because it is just heavenly. On cold days like today(27 degrees) in my opinion there’s absolutely nothing better than warming up to a hearty soup or chowder. The combination of the sweet potatoes and the chorizo and the corn have such an awesome balance, a little bit sweet and that spicy chorizo compliment each other so well. This looks totally rich and creamy (and it is) there’s a secret though, ITS HEALTHY and DAIRY FREE!!!! Yes you can make a chowder this gorgeous without heavy cream or milk 🙅🏼. I used chicken broth and a can of coconut milk and some almond milk as well. The flavors are just the perfect marriage.

There’s just something about the combination of sweet with a little bit of heat. Tingles the tastebuds ya know. 

I still can’t get over the fact that this soup is so rich and decadent yet has no butter, heavy cream, milk or cheese. Sweet potatoes have got to be one of my favorite things, you can do SO many things with them. 

I’m going to be completely honest I had no clue what I was doing here, I just mixed stuff together and prayed it would taste good. But if you put ingredients you like all together it can’t be bad right? 


  • 4 sweet potatoes 
  • 1 package of chorizo 
  • 1 large white onion
  • 2 cloves of garlic 
  • 1 can of coconut milk 
  • 1 box of chicken broth (can use vegetable broth)
  • 1 tablespoon of coconut oil 
  • 2 tablespoons of siracha 
  • Dash of thyme 
  • Dash of chipotle pepper
  • Salt and pepper to taste 
  • 1 can of organic corn 
  • 1 cup of almond milk
  1. Peel your sweet potatoes
  2. Dice em up 
  3. Dice your onion 
  4. I took the chorizo out of the casing 
  5. Heat your coconut oil in a pan 
  6. In a seperate pot put your chicken broth in while the chorizo cooks, when the broth begins to boil, add your sweet potatoes 
  7. Cook until tender 
  8. Add your coconut milk 
  9. Add your almond milk 
  10. Then use either an imulsfier blender or food processor to create your creamy broth 
  11. Put back into the pot, add your cooked chorizo 
  12. Add your can of corn, you don’t have to drain it if you want your soup not too thick 
  13. Add your diced onion and garlic to the chorizo pan until soft 
  14. Then add to the soup 
  15. Add your spices 
  16. Let simmer 
  17. Enjoy!




Almond Joy Chia Seed Pudding 


Dessert for breakfast, uhm yes pleaseeeee. Almond joy chia seed pudding. I kinda went on a chia seed pudding spree with my meal prep this week to try out some new flavor combos. I don’t know about you, but almond joys are one of my favorite candy bars. There’s just something about a bed of coconut draped in chocolate with an almond crunch. Yummm. So here is my recipe I have come up with for today’s chia pudding. 


  • 1 container of your choice coconut Greek yogurt (can use coconut yogurt to make dairy free) 
  • 1/4 cup of chia seeds 
  • 1 cup of vanilla almond milk 
  • 1/4 teaspoon of almond extract (be careful with this as it has a very strong flavor and you only need a dash) 
  • 2-3 tablespoons of unsweetened dark organic cocoa powder, feel free to use regular cocoa, I just love dark chocolate 
  • 2 tablespoons of shredded unsweetened organic coconut 
  • Sprinkle of almonds and cocoa nibs 
  • Set it in the fridge overnight for a great grab and go breakfast

Almond Joy Chia Seed Pudding 


Dessert for breakfast, uhm yes pleaseeeee. Almond joy chia seed pudding. I kinda went on a chia seed pudding spree with my meal prep this week to try out some new flavor combos. I don’t know about you, but almond joys are one of my favorite candy bars. There’s just something about a bed of coconut draped in chocolate with an almond crunch. Yummm. So here is my recipe I have come up with for today’s chia pudding. 


  • 1 container of your choice coconut Greek yogurt (can use coconut yogurt to make dairy free) 
  • 1/4 cup of chia seeds 
  • 1 cup of vanilla almond milk 
  • 1/4 teaspoon of almond extract (be careful with this as it has a very strong flavor and you only need a dash) 
  • 2-3 tablespoons of unsweetened dark organic cocoa powder, feel free to use regular cocoa, I just love dark chocolate 
  • 2 tablespoons of shredded unsweetened organic coconut 
  • Sprinkle of almonds and cocoa nibs 
  • Set it in the fridge overnight for a great grab and go breakfast


Usually jambalaya is filled with sodium and unhealthy things, so I took it upon myself to try and lighten this up. For those of you doing that whole 30 thing, my friend said this is approved. I was meal prepping yesterday and I know typically people eat this with shrimp, but in my person opinion shrimp reheated just doesn’t taste good to me. So I did chicken sausage and chicken instead.
I used brown rice, you can use whatever you please. Make it your own that’s what cooking is all about right?


  • 2 chicken breasts (you can use shrimp in place of this)
  • Note: You can use all 3; chicken, sausage, and shrimp
  • 1 package of chicken sausage (feel free to use regular sausage)
  • 3 stalks of celery
  • 1 bag of brown rice (use whatever rice you like)
  • 1 tomato diced
  • 1 medium white onion diced
  • 1 bell pepper diced
  • 1 tablespoon of garlic
  • 1 tablespoon of olive oil
  • 1 teaspoon of cayenne pepper
  • 1/4 teaspoon of oregano
  • 1/4 teaspoon of onion powder
  • 1/4 teaspoon of thyme
  • 1/4 teaspoon of garlic powder
  • 3/4 teaspoon of paprika
  • 1/4 teaspoon of cumin
  • Salt and pepper to taste
  • Note: you can use a package of creole or jambalaya spices but I like to make my own to avoid MSG and too much sodium.
  1. Cook your rice
  2. Place chicken and chicken sausage on a baking sheet with cooking spray and bake at 350 for 25 minutes
  3. While the rice and meat are cooking dice your veggies
  4. Heat the olive oil in the pan
  5. Sauté your garlic until golden brown, then add the rest of the veggies until they are tender and start to sweat
  6. Add your cooked rice to the pan of veggies
  7. Dice up your chicken and chicken sausage
  8. Add your seasonings mix up and enjoy 😛

I love mine spicy so I used hot chicken sausage and I added additional hot sauce to mine.